Friday, April 24, 2015

A Bunch with Lights

On April fourteenth I wrote I noted that I worked until 630 and then took the VTA to MV.  I had to wait for the CT and BART took me to SFO.  In the meantime a friend had texted me a couple of times.  I finally got on the road at around 9.  I played chicken with a 54 and won.  On JS a car honked at Brotherhood but at 19th there were no incidents except there were a bunch of pedestrians.  At Ocean there was a noisy valve on JS that I called 311 about but they wanted to keep me so I said I had to go.  I think they called the cops because I saw a bunch with lights on on Vicente.  I stopped at Parkside where I met a guy who knew a bartender I liked.  At home I posted for Sunday but not the day that I had just finished and went to bed at 1100.

The morning of the day that I wrote this I went to the grove at 615 and got a pastry that made a mess on BART.  I sat upstairs on CT and met a random on VTA who thought that system sucked.

This is an occasional series chronicling my life. This Notebook Analysis series is meant to be contemporaneous piece developed as an agglomeration of my notebook pages. In each of these posts I used my notes to develop my recent thoughts.

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