Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Far Away Rumbles

It is the holiday season and this usually means friends and family. Ironically, I’ve decided to buckle down and get to work. Yeah, there are parties to go to and friends and family passing through town but every time I return to my desk I discover a mess to organize. There are piles of paper and laundry to do. Meanwhile, recent trips out of town have only dented my finances and the fridge has been looking barren as of late.

I’m listening to Flamenco Sketches as I write this. I think it complements the mood perfectly. Quietudes and far away rumbles aren’t too far off from the winds that stir the leaves in the park and distant rain clouds. The whole package is inspiring.

The waning light of the fall and winter always causes me to look inward. There are fewer hours in the day and I tend towards hibernation. I burn the midnight oil and when it gets wet outside I start contemplating my options for the easiest route home. I can tell that many of the people I would typically interact with in sunnier times feel the same.

The holidays are a time for discovery and reflection. A time for old photos I don’t remember taking and high school poetry. I look at the cluttered array of extra of maps and pictures on my walls and start looking for a place amongst the old magazines and knickknacks to store them. Everyday it seems that I find a new set of bike parts that I don’t need, like patched inner tubes and dimming blinky lights. I know I meant to give them away but it isn’t often that I find anyone as willing to ride home in the rain as I am.

This is an occasional series chronicling my life. This Notebook Analysis series is meant to be contemporaneous piece developed as an agglomeration of my notebook pages. In each of these posts I used my notes to develop my recent thoughts.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Number Problem

I wrote that I woke up when Joe left but didn’t see him. I was laid up till 11. I read a new book and eventually called Catherine. She said she was out of town. I went through my routine and eventually went upstairs for a snack. I wrote that since that point I had been texting Diana and Nicole and contributing to the (this) NA.

I made a list of things that I wanted to do in the week ahead. I wanted to initiate a new “Job Search” labeling procedure. I also wanted to eliminate the less productive Newsletter entries and add new ones. I noted that the labeling procedure would be done such that I selected a period in the midst of each month—around the 16th—and find a few emails. This would allow me to identify classes of email which I could search for and label. I also need to look at my edit and reference of the KNF100 Job Search page. I also wrote that the FB Phone number problem needs to be addressed. I also need to look at AT&T’s address book. I also want to get back into the thesis. I wrote about cleaning the room.

Later I wrote that I had just eaten dinner. I read some of my book and then went to Momi Toby’s.

This is series chronicles my life at regular intervals. This Memo series is meant to be a retrospective of what I have written and experienced. In each of these posts I use my notes in conjunction with memory, mementos and souvenirs to create a snap shot of my life.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Taking Privileges

Ideas are transferred from person to person and are more difficult to transmit if they are not easy to understand. This is a simple enough concept and by extension the idea, whatever it is, if it is too easy to understand isn’t likely to be much value to its creator.

I recently had a couple of ideas. One was (or is maybe) to be a retail item. I have a pricing concept for it. I rather like the idea. The other is more of a tool and I have some ideas on how to design and develop a prototype. However, I am not so certain about actually pursuing these ideas since I have never been very good at asserting control or taking privileges.

This is an occasional series chronicling my life. This Notebook Analysis series is meant to be contemporaneous piece developed as an agglomeration of my notebook pages. In each of these posts I used my notes to develop my recent thoughts.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Pay for My Refills

I went to the Mission the night before to see a friend. His girlfriend doesn’t like him taking BART back to the East bay too late so he took off early. I had an appointment in morning anyway.  I woke up on time and made it out there easy coming back was fine too since it’ a holiday of sorts. I hate it when I have to comb my thoughts for the solution to a problem. I had to do this all say. I sent that off as an email.  I go to the coffee shop a lot. Lately they have been telling me to pay for my refills.

This is series chronicles my life at regular intervals. This Memo series is meant to be a retrospective of what I have written and experienced. In each of these posts I use my notes in conjunction with memory, mementos and souvenirs to create a snap shot of my life.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Read my Blogs!!

I am doing things different lately and it has to do with my other sociality sites. I am trying to get you to be more interested in the other things that I am writing. For the past two years I have been developing two blogs that do different things. One is a busy site run off of automatic updates from groups to which I am a subscriber. It is called Newsletters and there are about thirteen contributors. I am constantly evaluating ways to make the postings more pertinent to my life and yours. The second site is called the Jobs Page and it contains sanitized emails from people that send me jobs announcements that I like. I say sanitized because I have been scrubbing personal data from these posts. While I am aware that this undermines the value of these postings, my reasoning behind it is to maintain the edge that they offer me while also allowing viewers to see what opportunities are out there.

I have been keeping the Red Phone Hot Line as a way to document my life and let others know what I am up to. These other blogs are useful in this regard and I make them better every day. As of this week I have begun posting to them and making comments about their content. While this complements my regular, incorporating sociality sites (FB, G+ and Twitter) has taken this process a step further because if my socialite network is aware of all the goodies that I have on my blogs it’ll boost readership.

I started writing this on 110512. This is an occasional series chronicling my life. This Notebook Analysis series is meant to be contemporaneous piece developed as an agglomeration of my notebook pages. In each of these posts I used my notes to develop my recent thoughts.