Sunday, March 15, 2015

Then Rode to Ulloa

On the fourth of March I wrote that I left at 430 and noted that the ride to Fairchild was dangerous and that I needed to be more careful.  I took the 458 MiB>DC and then rode to Ulloa.  I had called the house and knew that I would eat at home.  I stopped at Walgreens though and this slowed me down.  Mom was on her way out and dad had saved me some food.  He and I talked while I tried to read.  I noted that I should pay more attention to him because he talks about stuff all the time.  I tend to get really anxious around him though.  In the meantime mom had made comments on her way out.  I eventually went downstairs.

I wanted to call a friend while I was looking through emails and looking through my stuff but it wasn’t until an hour and a half later that she could get away from her roommate to do so.  I only wanted to talk to her about the party that the coalition was slated to have the next day—the day that I wrote this—but we started looking at flight information and rooms for a trip.  Eventually I put her on speaker phone and we did it.  I told her I would do everything.  I called off a bit later and after a quick trip upstairs I went to sleep at 1030.

On the morning I wrote this I woke up at 515 but left at 545.  I wanted to go to the bank but ended up at Lakeside.  I had seen the 28 briefly.  It turned out that the earlier trip didn’t get me much and then I flubbed the bike ride to the office.

This is an occasional series chronicling my life. This Notebook Analysis series is meant to be contemporaneous piece developed as an agglomeration of my notebook pages. In each of these posts I used my notes to develop my recent thoughts.

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