Sunday, January 18, 2015

Tasters for Belgian Dobels

On the twenty-third of November I noted that the night before I had gone to Amsterdam Café and sat with my friend making maps.  I told him about my life and he his.  It was sad to hear about some of the tragedy in his life.  I talked about diffusion.  I noted that there were a lot of well-dressed people around.  There seemed to be some kind of thing happening immediately across the street.  The bartender gave us tasters for Belgian Dobels.  I talked about bike party and we talked about Polk Street politics with him describing several types of groups.  I noted that the opposition to change was mostly made up of business people from Marin and he agreed.  We went to an Egyptian wraps place and it was really good.  I rode into Hayes Valley and then up Page.

Along the way I saw two double parked cars around Cole and when I stopped to tell them to move about four cars were waiting behind me.  Two cabbies threatened to attack me, one lost his fare and everyone threatened to call the cops.  Only one of the double parkers moved.  The other declined.  They were both unloading stuff.  When everyone left they were about to leave.  I went to bed around 230.

On the day that I wrote this I was up at 1015 and went to Java.  I was bothered by the masculine attitude in the place most of all my own.  It was most acute around shift change.  I went home and beat myself up.  There were a few FB messages but it was mostly my trying to get into the coding before five.  I did some laundry drying.  I rode GGP to Stanyan and was at Best Buy at 545.  There I had to start a new MS account.  I wanted Outlook and Access.  I had to jag down O’Farrell to Post and then back to get to Sketchers where I bought a pair of shoes.  I then went to the Irish Bank.

This is an occasional series chronicling my life. This Notebook Analysis series is meant to be contemporaneous piece developed as an agglomeration of my notebook pages. In each of these posts I used my notes to develop my recent thoughts.

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