Friday, January 9, 2015

Friend Brought Him Cupcakes

I wrote that on Friday around 5 and rode to PHill and traveled to 24th.  I rode down 24th to Roosevelt and had enchiladas.  Then I went to Potrero del Sol.  One of the guys was having a birthday and another friend brought him cupcakes.  So many people I knew were there.  A few of us stood waiting and the sound system was too loud.  Two of my friends, who have the same name were wearing the same outfit.  I rode with my friend from Walnut Creek to Valencia and a friend from Hayes Valley passed the Uptown with me.  In the Dog Patch some drunk yelling guy made contact with me.  I saw a great Alice costume.  At Warm Cove park I met a friends mom and walked around till the cops showed up.  We rode to pier 14 then.  On the way in I quit.  Shaun was leaving too.  I told everyone goodbye.  I rode home and was asleep at 230.

Next morning I was up at 845.  My friend from Toronto called and said he was late.  I left at 930 and made it to the Hyatt by 1030.  His train had been delayed.  We shopped around for a bike rental and found a good one and headed up Market.  I showed him the town.  At Safeway I showed him the mural and then we rode the wiggle to Mojo for coffee.  We looked at the map and checked out the scenery.  We talked to a lady who had just found a good bike on Craigslist.

We took the Panhandle to Golden Gate Park.  There was a girl who had to stop us to say that she was polite.  We took 15th and climbed up to Pacific Overlook.  We met some kids from the Mission.  We rode on to the bridge and I talked to him about the local economy while he took photos.  He took photos all the way across the bridge.  We braved the road and then descended to Sausalito.  We checked the line for the ferry and then got coffee and when we got back there was a bigger line.  I had to wait to get tickets so we had to miss the boat.  However, there were extra boats.  We also got a break as the guy in front of my Canadian friend had an extra.  One of the ticket machines was broken.

We then sat down and had a drink with some other Canadians and talked politics.  Later we met still more Canadian’s.  We had trouble getting off of the boat because there were so many bikes.  We got rid of his then, took BART to 24th and walked to Schmitt’s.  He was really tired so I walked him to 16th and said bye.  I went to the Uptown and sat with four guys including two that I had known for a while.  They were doing Clarion alley stuff.  Their friend came in then and I got to know her outside.  Then I went in and sat with the bartender and his Japanese friend the rest of the night.  I met a Cuban guy and he wanted me to make passes at women.  I was home around 1 and in bed at 2.

Next morning I got up at 930 and went to Java Beach.  I couldn’t figure out why there weren’t any Saturday papers until I realized it was Sunday.  I sat for a few hours.  The lines were really long.  I talked to the barista on the way out.  I went home and cleaned and worked on the NA.  I had a meal around 3 and basically finished the NA.  My problem was I was tired.  Around 9 I was watching TV.

On the morning of the day that I wrote this I got up late.  I knew that the notes would be difficult to write.  I rode to Civic, got a coffee and a paper and started to write on the train around West Oakland.  I got in to the office at.

I copied this from my notebook and posted it to the blog 111014.

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