Sunday, June 7, 2015

We Encountered a Parade

On the morning of the twenty-fifth of May my companion and I awoke at eight and it took about two hours to pack.  We finished off as much of the food as possible—we found that our yogurt had passed its prime.  We climbed a light rise on the stage trail to the West Point Inn but discovered the place was closed so we moved on.

The view was occluded by fog.  The Double Bow Knot came quick and there was a ton of mountain bikers.  We had to put jackets on because it was cold and the rough road and the near straight down angle wore on our hands.  We made Summit Drive quickly and my companion was in disbelief that I had climbed it previously.

The descent to Mill Valley was really quick and once there we encountered a parade.  Taking a side street we went to the bookstore café.  The staff was overwhelmed and my bike fell over while I was ordering.  When I got outside my companion told me about it.  Later while we were sitting there our bikes fell over two more times.  When I got the wifi working I learned that the ferry was coming so we left quickly.  However the remnants of the parade slowed us down.  Later I decided that we were going too slow through the Bothin Marsh.  However, by Bridgeway we started to make good time.

There was a bit of construction at the entrance to Sausalito and at the pier we had to choose between two ferries but we got on the boat fine.  On board we had a cocktail and the boat was muggy but not crowded.  We got into some kind of discussion when we discovered that it was time to get off.  We were the first off the boat and rode to Hayes nice and easy and got to Blue Bottle and then Miette.  I lost my phone for a moment and ditto my companion's gloves.

When we got to my companion’s place, we unpacked our stuff, collected our dirty laundry, did dishes and I did some writing.  We shared images from the trip, ate Miette cookies and finished the granola.  Later we went to the place we always get ramen but had to wait at Elixer.  I got to taste sour mash.  Later we went to the grocery store.  Later my companion started making banana bread.

This is an occasional series chronicling my life. This Notebook Analysis series is meant to be contemporaneous piece developed as an agglomeration of my notebook pages. In each of these posts I used my notes to develop my recent thoughts.

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