Sunday, July 26, 2015

Broke The Ikea Chair

On the sixteenth of July I wrote that I told my coworker I was done and grabbed the shuttle.  There was a replacement driver.  At CT I tried to interact with my friend.  I napped on the train and had little trouble on the ride to the house.  I was a bit surly near the bulb.  I sat for a while on my iPod and reading emails.  I noted that I needed to begin my turn down procedure and that I should probably have worked on it that night.  I noted that the stuff needed to go back at some point.

I noted that after my initial sit down I went to have dinner with mom.  We talked about politics and we had potato chips in addition to the delicious split pea soup mom had made.  Mom said she would be going to the piano thing at the botanical garden.

I went downstairs and finally broke the Ikea chair.  I noted that I should figure out a time to visit Ikea to replace it.  I noted too that I should call and make a new appointment for the doctor.

My friend and I started interacting later.  I took some time to be by myself too.  I forced myself to go running.  When I got back I was typing up loose ends when I started interacting with my friend again.  I finished the night with TV.  I went to bed at 1230.

In the morning of the day that I wrote this I caught the 18 and made DC no problem.  My friend and I made plans to have dinner when I got to Mib.  We were interacting all the way to Redwood City.  I almost missed my stop because I was napping.  The shuttle was late.  A colleague told us about his political views on the ride over.  There were guys setting up cables when I arrived and I went to coffee when I was finished writing.

This is an occasional series chronicling my life. This Notebook Analysis series is meant to be contemporaneous piece developed as an agglomeration of my notebook pages. In each of these posts I used my notes to develop my recent thoughts.

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