Thursday, August 13, 2015

The Chronicle Robbed Me

On the fifth of August I took the shuttle to MV and read the paper all the way to DC.  I took the bike down John Daly and looked at the path along the far side of JS.  I took Font and the path home.  I made dinner with what I found in the fridge and pops told me that he and mom would be out all week.  I cleaned up a bit and then went to my room and helped my friend edit an email using GoogleDocs.  I told her that I wouldn’t be running because my shoulder hurt.

She agreed to work on a cover letter while I was working on my bike.  I discovered that the wheels and inner tubes were in great condition.  When I got the cassette on I was worried I would get the thread wrong.  It worked out though.  When I was done I only needed to add the chain and test it.  The housing and cables needed a lot of work.

I sat down and read what my friend had made of my cover letter.  She mysteriously appeared in my editing.  I learned that this was a function of GoogleDocs though.  Much later I realized that she had given up on her Tango night to help me.  When I was finally on my own I got to posting and quit.  I only got fifteen minutes of TV in.  I was in bed at 1245.

I left for work late on the morning of the day that I wrote this.  I looked for a bus to catch and took the 48 to 22nd.  I rode to JS then.  The Mib train was late and I caught the train that stopped at Hillsdale.  The Chronicle robbed me.  I caught the VTA with a Google Bike and then had breakfast before going to the desk.

This is an occasional series chronicling my life. This Notebook Analysis series is meant to be contemporaneous piece developed as an agglomeration of my notebook pages. In each of these posts I used my notes to develop my recent thoughts.

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