Monday, February 23, 2015

The Tag is Available

On the third of February I wrote that I finished typing and then spent about two hours preparing for my interview.  I remember one friend had sent some encouragement via Twitter.  Another was bouncing off the walls trying to get my attention.

On the day that I wrote this I was up at 530 and left at 6.  I was surprised at the speed at which I arrived at Central Coffee.  I also was able to catch the 656am Caltrain but managed to forget to tag myself in.  I brought it up with the conductor and he indicated where the tag is available at Milbrae.  While I did almost get off at Menlo but was able to get off at Mountain View.  I went to Castro and chose Red Rock—a huge coffee shop.

I had coffee and used social media.  I sent a bunch of messages to a friend and called a recruiter.  When I left I took Stevens Creek to a park and then passed through a small park on my way to Ellis.  I had little trouble finding my way and was impressed at the ease of use.

I sat at the site for a half an hour rehearsing my speech and then went in to find the hiring manager, which was a surprise.  We met the lead analyst and then went up to the top floor of the building and sat down.  He set up his spiel like on the call but with more detail.  At first I thought that he was referring to an FME process but he explained that there was a data catalogue so much of what we would do would be to identify issues within it or what needed changing improvement.

I checked to see if we would still be creating and storing data but again my job was as an analyst.  I talked about CSULB and then role of the geographer perhaps too much.  I also talked about Apple and Google workers that I had met at Maptime which I explained in line with Mapbox.  He then talked about his engineers.  Then I talked about the DE and FME processes at PG&E and the details of documenting and using standards.  He was a bit late in saying that he liked that.  I also told him a bit about my old boss.

We got up to leave and in the hall I met the developer and the project manager.  We discussed their roles and then the hiring manager brought me downstairs where we discussed the interview further.  She indicated that the rate was from Boulder and that she would check with the group.  She made certain that I was interested in the job and I told her that I found it attractive.

I got my bike and got lost on the way to the Caltrain station.  I cut some corners and that made things work.  I also barely made it onto the train in time with my clipper card tagged.  I was alone at least.  I transferred to BART at Milbrae and at DC noted that the trip had taken an hour.  I went to West Portal and got a haircut and a sandwich and then rode home.  After that it had taken three hours.  After I had gotten my stuff in order I noted that the sandwich made me sleep.

When I woke up I interacted with a friend and saw mom.  Dad had trouble eating quinoa and he mentioned that he had to go to the doctor for a few different reasons for his eyes and seemed bummed out.  I then went to the bike shop.  My bike may still need an adjustment.  When I got back I noted that the Emperor’s Campaign was having a birthday party.  I posted Kate Bush to FB.

This is an occasional series chronicling my life. This Notebook Analysis series is meant to be contemporaneous piece developed as an agglomeration of my notebook pages. In each of these posts I used my notes to develop my recent thoughts.

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