Friday, February 6, 2015

Interact with a Celebrity

I wrote that I typed and then walked around the house and talked to mom about cookies.  I ended up lying in bed for a bit and then decided to give up on resisting the urge to go to the Uptown since I had passed up the Butter Lap and Car Free Happy Hour.  I left then and climbed up Irving and headed through Hugo.  Cops were looking around at Citibank for something while I was getting cash.  I think I had a problem somewhere on Page but not much.  I took 14th and rode to the Uptown.

I sat alone at first and eventually spoke to a regular I knew and she said hi.  One of my buddies came in then and we talked about getting laid off and eventually talked about art.  The bartender I knew was in the East Coast for some reason and the bar was being transferred to the bartenders.  The lady behind the bar was trying to optimize stock based upon the estimates in the deal so she could save to organization thousands on the cost.  My buddy introduced me to a regular that lived nearby.  He and his wife were looking at real estate in Napa.

I left then and got a message from my friend.  She was saying thanks to me about checking in with her.  Her cat had cancer and had to be put down.  I was really sad for her and she was upset.  She told me to come by—I had an allergic reaction while there and had had a bit to drink.

On the morning of the day that I wrote this I took her to Four Barrel at around 930 and we had pastries.  I told her I was going to Ai Wei Wei.  I then saw Andy Thornley as I rode up the Wiggle—there were some odd interactions.  I was pissed afterwards because it looked like I was trying to interact with a celebrity.  However, I was actually trying to slow the car behind me down while passing a double parked UPS truck.

I rode home then and read the paper.  At some point I was interrupted because I went downstairs and tidied and returned to discover that I hadn’t finished it.  I later sent some texts to Tom.  I later got a call from a recruiter and we spent about an hour discussing a job prospect.  I noted later that it wasn’t good for the compensation but he sent me another lead later.  Charlie and I spent some time discussing our feelings

This is an occasional series chronicling my life. This Notebook Analysis series is meant to be contemporaneous piece developed as an agglomeration of my notebook pages. In each of these posts I used my notes to develop my recent thoughts.

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