Thursday, May 26, 2016

Geography as an Article

On the fourteenth of May I wrote that my coworker rode with me to Redwood City. On the train I explained my concept of advocacy, research and lifestyle saying that the GIS thing was my day job. I explained what being a geographer was about to me.  I said it helps to treat geography as an article and he said, “yeah like geography of something.”  Then he said he would be going to 4K so at MIB I said goodbye.  I rode to 16th and went to eat before stopping by the bar where a patron bought me a beer.

Later I stopped by the apartment but noted that I was running late for my party.  I got to Civic easily enough.  At Ogawa Plaza I walked around until I spoke with a mechanic I knew. He had flagged me down and introduced me to his girlfriend. When we left on 14th going west he said I was Mr. Tweed.

We rode up 14th to Mandela and around Target to Hollis. I saw friends. The mechanic and I talked about stuff like my ‘prominent geographer’ idea and his rail track bike race idea.  He told me that he lived in Berkeley.

We rode into Berkeley at that point and we sat at the lagoon in the middle of the music and caught our breath while watching the 80 freeway. I found my bike crew after that.  So, I grabbed the bike and we caught up with my riding partner. I followed them and took a lot of photos.

I let the flag go at one point and found the pianist. We rode together for a while.  I was saying that cash prizes are preoccupation of mine that were hampering my ability to focus on advocacy, research and lifestyle investment.  We got to Hillegass and met the rest of the crew.  I shared my last beer before sprinklers went on.  My riding partner and I moved to the sidewalk.

A bit later he and I for Rockridge. I got some photos of the trike I like. He and his wife took some photos of me on the platform and I said by at Civic Center.

This is an occasional series chronicling my life. This Notebook Analysis series is meant to be contemporaneous piece developed as an agglomeration of my notebook pages. In each of these posts I used my notes to develop my recent thoughts.

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