Sunday, April 10, 2016

Frankfurt, Köln, Munich

I was working on the blog for several hours until my friend showed up.  She and mom sat for a while as I was writing.  Mom had choir for Easter and so my friend sat with dad after he dropped her off.

When I finished up we walked to Celia’s.  We discovered that they were closed though and Outerlands was full up so we caught an N bus to 25th.  Dad complained a lot about the walk- he had wanted to drive.  We walked to Noriega and my friend had an easy time.  The sunset was really colorful.  We got a table at Sunset Reservoir easily and then we ordered a shared meal.  Dad got an easy item.  

We talked about his mother in law meeting her my grandfather.  Dad said that she called him a drunk.  He had also told us about his trip from London to Hamburg to Copenhagen.  He said that after he had gone from there to Berlin via Hamburg he had returned to Hamburg and went to Frankfurt, Köln, Munich and a few other towns.  He always slept on the train instead of staying at hotels.

I had a favorite drink and dad had a few.  We had to go pretty soon after that and had an okay time on the return.  Later mom needed a ride so we picked her up.  I was asleep at 11.

In the morning of the day that I wrote this I went out for coffee with my friend on our bikes.  We spent an hour with her tango cohort.  Then we rode back to the house and I typed about Frankfurt.  I noted then that I wanted to review the Anlage, Thurn and Taxis, and Innenstadt.

A little later the two of us walked to my sister’s with my mom.  Mom had texted dad and that caused him to drive around looking for us the whole time we were walking.  My brother and I interacted and it was apparent that I couldn’t do anything about it either.  Dad was clearly worried when we were standing at the door to my sister’s after we had walked up Sunset and Ulloa.

I went in and said hi to the nibblings and went upstairs with my brother.  We gave him the chickens that the roommate had made.  I sat with my brother-in-law in the living room and ate the buffet items.  I got a cup of coffee and we all went out to watch the kids look for eggs.  My niece had wanted to ‘win’ the search but the boys were too aggressive.  We went to the kitchen and I made toast because we had forgotten our French bread.  My neice complained about the boys then and they got a good yelling at.

After that I went on a walk with my brother in the Grove and after we had taken a moment to catch our breath.  Later we hung out in the living room and talked until dad came by to gather us up.  We went down and said goodbye to everyone.  My brother-in-law had decided to take his family to a party anyway.

On the way to the parent’s house my brother shared his story about biking around Orange County.  At the house we continued the conversation over his life and the ladies did crafts until he had to go.  I went out and waved him and dad away and then I went up and conferred with mom.  When she said that the day would start winding down my friend and I got ready and caught a bus to the Haight.  On the bus we discussed our lives and I worked on our notes.

This is an occasional series chronicling my life. This Notebook Analysis series is meant to be contemporaneous piece developed as an agglomeration of my notebook pages. In each of these posts I used my notes to develop my recent thoughts.

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