Thursday, November 20, 2014

The Fundraiser

On 092314 I wrote that I left the office at 400 the day before and made it to PHill with a few seconds to spare.  I went to the Embarcadero and transferred to an N and went to Park Chow on Church.  I ate a salad and called a TV correspondent an idiot on Twitter.  I walked to the Orbit room and then sat at the table for the fundraiser and asked what they were doing.  Then I got a beer and sat it out.  A friend from MTA came in with a coworker.  Then an MTA guy who had previously worked at the Bicycle Coalition came in.  There were transportation commissioners, transportation software developers and other transportation activists there too.  A Bicycle Coalition staffer was one of the organizers but the director for the Tenants Union, Walk SF and the League of Conservation Voters also spoke.  I spoke to a planner I knew through the Car Free List Serve about planning and GIS.  My buddy stopped by but pretty quickly left for the Bike Advisory Committee meeting.  I saw some people make big donatioins.

Later I met a lawyer and a guy from Public Bikes.  I also met a supporter and my old bike party friends were all there in the back together.  My friend from the MTA left separate but his friend from work left with my friend from BART for another bar.  I left too after the Giants made a few runs.  At Home I was stuck on the game and wasn’t really able to function.

This is an occasional series chronicling my life. This Notebook Analysis series is meant to be contemporaneous piece developed as an agglomeration of my notebook pages. In each of these posts I used my notes to develop my recent thoughts.

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