On the twenty-seventh of November I wrote that I was up at 930 on Thanksgiving and tried out Blue Bottle but they were closed. My friend and I went to Ritual and sat in the square. We walked back to her place later and made breakfast with her roommate. He said he would wait to prepare Thanksgiving dishes because he was leaving later. When we were nearly done with the broccoli we did dishes and were ready to go.
We walked to Church, put money on Clipper and hopped a K with some interesting characters. We switched at West Portal and made it to my sister’s about ten minutes late for the party. the family was at the door but my brother was in the kitchen. I stole my nephew’s seat and had a drink. We whipped cream and later I sat in the living room. My niece turned into a performance.
It was only a short bit later that we sat down for dinner. We were given place tags and there were pictures of turkeys at each spot. I stole the chocolate from the table and my neice screamed about that until she got it back. The yams were good and my friend provided us with tarts and chia.
By the time the Scrabble game had made it past the first round my friend was basically playing my hand even though she had not been interested in playing. She had played a couple of good hands but my brother’s second word was too good. When the game was almost done I started looking at the images I had posted to FB and noted that quite a few people had seen my images.
On the next day I went to Four Barrel with my friend in the morning and had a cup. Her roommate let us know later that he wanted a cup so we brought him a bunch. Later I shot the breeze for a bit in the living room until it was time to pack for our trip to Santa Rosa.
I got the Brompton and put stuff in my saddle bag. My friend had a lot of veggies for us. We passed a cop on Market and toot Polk to Macallister. The bus driver yelled at me because the Brompton was rather bulky but he got off at San Rafael. The new driver was easier to deal with and I was able to re-seat myself in a place where I could see my friend’s bike.
This is an occasional series chronicling my life. This Notebook Analysis series is meant to be contemporaneous piece developed as an agglomeration of my notebook pages. In each of these posts I used my notes to develop my recent thoughts.
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