Sunday, November 6, 2016

Hung Out At Outerlands

On 18 October I wrote that the Friday before I had gotten off at Millbrae and transferred and took a 28 to 48 and rode to the house. Dad was in the patio when I arrived. He had been waiting for my little brother – who had flaked. Upstairs I found my friend sitting quietly on the couch.

I wrote that I helped her until dinner with the family and we had leftovers – mom made it from the roast the night before. When dinner was done my friend and I did stuff downstairs and then we walked to Judah then and hung out at Outerlands. I saw some people I knew and was quite happy with how the evening turned out. I was in bed at 11:30 probably.

At around ten we broke down the bedroom and I had breakfast.  Then I drove my friend to the apartment. I brought the Brompton up and then we went to the coffee shop. There we met her sister who was waiting with coffee for us.  I remember those two ladies gossiping while I looked at Twitter.

We walked her to the hairstylist after that and stopped at the supermarket before heading to the  apartment for a meal.  Then I walked over to an acquaintance's house to get a key to the technical lab, got the car and drove back to the house. I had to stop at a hardware store but they told me to go to another place.

I knew it would rain soon so try to turn things around then. However, dad wanted some information and it turned out he was going to do me a favor. I thanked him for his help as I was leaving. Mom wanted me to view an architectural volume but I didn't have time to look at it.

I rode the trike then up to a second hardware store and then up Taraval to Laguna Honda and Portola. After that I rode through Diamond Heights. I got lost on 29th but eventually found Diamond Street, where the tricycle event’s after party was.

I arrived at my colleague's house a moment later and after yelling at someone through the window he opened the garage and I parked. Later I sat in the living room watching the guys talk to the hostess about work. I also had a drink in the kitchen with the host.

The guys took their spouses to the garage and rode the trikes - the rain had canceled the actual event. I showed everyone mine. I made my goodbyes then add ascended to Heights Boulevard before looking for Dolores from Chattanooga.

At the apartment I dropped my payload and picked up the Brompton. Then I went to the technical lab. I dropped the trike there and then rode to a bar for beer. I got rained on after that and cursed myself for stopping. I got back to the apartment at 6:30 and put on a robe because I was wet.  Later, after trying to be productive all evening, I finally gave up and got ready for bed.

On Sunday - the next day - I was up early and I followed my friend to Four Barrel around 930.  We texted Kristin an acquaintance but she was busy. I had another cup and we skipped hanging out with her.  We then returned to the apartment and I got back to working on the front room. I noted that over the course of the weekend we had spent time looking at the front room and that was when we started working on it.

The next day - Monday - my friend and I had coffee at Bluebottle. We also went to a cafe that had bread before walking through Elgin Park.  We settled in for an hour before my friend headed over to a neighbor’s house.

I did some research and then started setting up for an appointment. I texted a colleague and did some work and headed to my appointment where I found 12 others in attendance. I thought that was low. I tracked my comments and noted that and my average was pretty good.  We had a meeting afterward. I decided the meeting might produce a positive outcome. There was chocolate.

When I left the meeting I tried to go a nearby lounge but they had a private party so I went to the apartment.  I had had butternut squash soup and my friend brought a bottle of wine.

On the morning that I wrote this I was up at 930. I had breakfast with my friend and was unhappy with my eggs. Later, I started in on the papers in the front room.

This is an occasional series chronicling my life. This Notebook Analysis series is meant to be contemporaneous piece developed as an agglomeration of my notebook pages. In each of these posts I used my notes to develop my recent thoughts.

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