Sunday, July 7, 2024

Onward to Phoenix Lake

On December 9 I was in Marin County with my boys for a winter trip. I had packed my cargo bike before work so when I picked them up from school the day before we went straight to the Ferry Building. We had caught a ferry to Larkspur and rode to San Anselmo for had pizza and gelato.

When we got up that morning at The San Anselmo Inn, we went downstairs and had breakfast. Then we put on warm cloths and after a brief stop for hot cocoa, headed to Ross Creek and onward to Phoenix Lake. We looked at rocks in both places. I explained the landscape at Shaver Grade and the pipeline trail.

I had to take some time to think about what to do at the five corners trail intersection then but settled on climbing to Bon Tempe Lake. After a couple of stops, we made it all the way to Lagunitas Lake. We looked at the dam and had a snack in the picnic area.

A short while later we rode back to Shaver Grade but continued on the paved road to the Meadow Club. Some of the Cyclists in the area told us how to get through the Meadow Club. I was surprised when we got there that it was possible given the fact that it is closed to the public. We saw deer at Bolinas Road. We also saw a cat.

From there the descent to Fairfax was quick. Upon our arrival, we walked around and I settled on the Roastery. I bought us a bunch of moon pies. Later we went to Fairfax Market and returned to San Anselmo.

That evening we went to Jane‘s Taco shop which is a favorite of mine. I ordered a bit too much to eat but it was good. When we left, we noted that an old movie – The Three Stooges – was being projected onto the wall of the building across the way. I recalled then that this is an annual tradition there for the Christmas season. We also got some gelato before bedtime.

This is an occasional series chronicling my life. This Notebook Analysis series is meant to be contemporaneous piece developed as an agglomeration of my notebook pages. In each of these posts I used my notes to develop my recent thoughts.

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