Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Past Chairperson


This is a set of emails between me, the past chairperson for CSULBcyclists and the then president of the CSULB Race team.  It still needs some formatting.

Received: Tue, 25 Jan 2011
I found that email


Great bumping into you at the lab!  I am happy that things are working out
fer the club and that you have a lot of riders.  I found that email I
mentioned.  I am not certain if this is the guy that called me about the
club but check out the email thread below.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Steve
Fri, Mar 5, 2010

Subject: Re: CSULB race team

Voler is fine.  these guys were cheaper but not nec. better

We really need an org meeting with as many people as we can get. We need an
agenda posted and as many lookie loos as we can get email addresses for.
thats step one.

You may want to look at this ElDorado Flyer


I'm Gerry president of the Long Beach State cycling team. If you
could help us out that would be great. We are in the process of getting some
jerseys. we were going to go threw voler. they were the most resonable
priced. some other sites were more expensive with less quality. the next
dead line is April 1st to place an order.

you can find our team on Facebook under groups CSULB cycling team


From: Steve
Subject: CSULB race team


Thanks for the call today

Ill plan on being at Tony's ride on 3/10.

We really need a good email dist list

I should also be at the eldo race
http://www.californiabicycleracing.org/2010.ElDorado.Flyer.pdf on 3/9 at
430pm. If I know some csulb people will be there I can get there a little
earlier. its starts at 445pm

First they need to get a webpage like
www.CSULBraceteam.com<http://www.csulbraceteam.com/>then get the
school to set up a page like this:


http://www.csulb.edu/org/sports/mcycling for example or

this is causing more confusion
http://www.csulb.edu/org/special/csulbcyclists/ ....racing and rec/fun/tweed
riding are not the same at all

I basically created  http://www.paramountracing.org/ from virtually nothing
and was president from 1998-2001. I work for a living and dont have a lot of
time but I am good at grass roots organizing and building organizations from
scratch. they key is to get good motivated savvy people to help at the start

I also know all the key people at
http://www.campusrec.uci.edu/club/biking.asp very well run with tons of
industry support.

Once you can get this snowballing after a year or two you can step back and
it will keep going. I would like to see if we can get some money from the
city of LB. Charlie Gandy would bite on this I think. Given the state budget
deals going on I dont see CSU system coming up with anything in terms of
cash. I am sure Jax would want in on this as well as I was talking to the GM
Matt last night about it.

This is series chronicles my life at regular intervals. This Memo series is meant to be a retrospective of what I have written and experienced. In each of these posts I use my notes in conjunction with memory, mementos and souvenirs to create a snap shot of my life.

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