Monday, April 22, 2002

Out on the Line

Kev,  I wouldn't call that girl trouble I would call it Kevin doesn't know what he wants trouble! I find that as soon as I think I found a great guy about 20 other great guys come along and there I am too confused to deal with any of them. I suggest stay with the German girl who hasn't stuck your heart out on the line. At least that is the safe way to look at it. Although I always want the ones I can't have it makes it more exciting! I don't see any reason to laugh except that it is Kevin we are talking about!!!!!!!

Good luck buddy let me know how it all pans out!  Jess

This is series is a retrospective of my life taken from emails that I sent or received on the First of the Month.

Thursday, April 18, 2002

Girl Trouble

Dear JH,  So I am having girl trouble (again), You can't help me but maybe you can laugh at me. I met a cute girl two years ago. We saw each other for two months. She left for the east coast. I went to visit her in Colorado a month later. Things were a little sour then. I have been professing my love for her on and on since then over the e-.

Since I went out with her I have gotten together with a few women. All were lots of fun. The last one in Arcata also happened to be VERY insane.

Now I am somewhat involved with this German girl who is... She is VERY nice... She just took off for Gansu for the weekend. (which is much like going to Arcata from Sac) Anyway, the girl on the east coast is actually in Arizona now. She SEZ she wants to move to SF (WHY? I don't know.) Which is everything I have ever wanted... except... I am here getting together with a girl who is just as great a she...

This is where you are supposed to laugh at me and make a snide comment. Just like the times eh?

For about two months now I been in Shaanxi. (say it like this: Shen? Shee.) My classes are going to last another three. My teacher in Arcata has been planning a trip to Tibet. I don't know if he wants me to come though. I think I will be here till dec. Whatchathink?  from K.

This is series is a retrospective of my life taken from emails that I sent or received on the First of the Month.

Thursday, April 4, 2002

Terrible Slang

Going through my emails I found one from dad that said he had received a box from me.  I sent some tea that dad said was a no no.  He said not to send agricultural stuff.  He asked about some art work that I had sent him.  I also got a bunch from girls I used to date.  Apparently my emails are formatted differently when they are received.  I sent some embarrassing emails to my friends too using terrible slang.  Dad sent another email about some of his friends coming to China on a tour but I didn’t go looking for them because I didn’t hear from them individually.

Around this time our advisor sent us an update on the course load.  She then sent another email saying that she was going to be posted in Beijing for about a year administering a CSU program.  She sent us some updates on how our program should provide more field work and provided us some work-arounds for making things happen.

A couple of days later I sent out an email to my ex-girlfriend and another friend.  He eventually replied that he had sent me a box of book.  I really appreciated that.  I also started receiving emails from people that I met in Xi’an.  One specifically was from Sam (real name Zeng Sa) who clearly wanted me to help her with her already wonderful English.  I apparently taught her the terms slacker and sucker.

 This is series is a retrospective of my life taken from emails that I sent or received on the First of the Month.

Monday, April 1, 2002

I missed the place

I wrote in the little black book I took to China that I wanted to return to the forests of Humboldt when I returned to California.  I wrote that maybe I would go to Somes Bar.  I noted that I missed the place.  I went on to write that I felt like those places would inevitably not be the same though—and not because I went to China.  I wrote that it was because that I was not there and that I wasn’t able to watch all of the people go and see all the new people come.

I had other notebooks from this era too that I used for class.  There are posts in them from March 29th.  One of the notebooks was for my vocabulary class and the other was for my listening class but I can’t tell the difference.  In the green one I recorded information about buildings—like the top of the building and the door.  There are notes for addressing and the order for each address component: street, door etc.  I wrote the words for different rooms in a building.  There was a test every week too and I wrote down the answers in roman script—which is sort of ironic.

In the orange notebook I wrote sentences in Chinese and listed words in pin yin—the roman script for the characters.  These were the different people in a family: father mother and others.  There are also a few notes for the first also.  For instance I wrote about the order of sentences and a group of words that I have a hard time interpreting.

This Notebook Analysis is part of retrospective of my life taken from emails that I sent or received on the First of the Month.