Wednesday, March 23, 2011

"Oh Shit"

I called Val the day before yesterday. This was after texting her a couple of times. The texts were kind of sexy with hello's and what are you doings. So I called her and she didn't answer. I didn't think much of it. People do that all the time. She called me back and I answered with a hey I called and I just heard a bunch of mumbling. Turns out it was accidental and I got to hear her talking to Stace or Travis. This went on until I heard her say, "Oh Shit" and then she hung up.

I don't know why it bothered me really. I was at Adriana's house when it happened about to head over to see Serge. For the next twenty minutes Richard and them had to listen to me talk smack on Val. They said stuff like, "I guess you can't trust some people" but I could tell that they didn't see it as anything important.

Val called me later and we discussed the upcoming trip.

I was late to Colin's. I met his Girlfriend. The next day we chatted at his place over granola and I had an extra cup. We then rode over to meet Jon in Griff for practice.

Afterwards, Colin and I rode through a construction zone in Griff to survey a nasty bike path that Park and Rec had created with Public Works with out the DOT's knowledge. Colin made it plain that the Bikeways coordinator at DOT was not pleased.

We then went on to survey the Riverside bridge from Griff to Glendale. Colin said that the project that was planned there and the one we had just seen in addition to a new over pass at Wilson in Glenday for Disney were major items on the Coalition's agenda.

We had lunch. I caught the Silver and then the 577x back to Long Beach. Sergio and I had a Beer at Gallagher's. I went to Portfolio.

I've been too something stimulated to look at the postings. Blazing Saddle's contected me again. They wanted to see me today.... Geeze.

This is series chronicles my life at regular intervals. This Memo series is meant to be a retrospective of what I have written and experienced. In each of these posts I use my notes in conjunction with memory, mementos and souvenirs to create a snap shot of my life.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

March Job Search

On Mon, Feb 28, 2011 at 5:21 PM I listed three different tiers for a job search:
low quality customer service
high end service

For the professional tier there are two websites listed below. I can take these websites and turn them into a set of indicators and then identify jobs that are good for me.

For the high end service jobs I can look at the 856 website. However, after I have looked at the Jobs in Geography sites and have interacted with some of the people that are involved I can change this second tier into something that is more appropriate.

For the low quality service jobs I need a job for the interregnum. I have already developed a list of jobs that will put me in position for the more high end stuff.

For the first tier I found two sites on Wed, Mar 9, 2011 at 1:20 PM:

I called them a “lead” for producing a body of research and literature. Basically I need to create a “work flow” although I am not certain that this is an appropriate name. These two sites should identify a profile of firms and job classifications to look for. I need to produce a general composite for it. These profiles should have a list of indicators. The indicators will likely be stuff like income, job descriptions and/or market sectors.

After this I need to create a list of corporate and non-profit organizations which these indicators identify and look for jobs that are listed with in them.

I did up a resume and have a CV from a bit ago.

I looked on the site for 856 and there are a few leads there

I then opened up this note taking venue.

I chose this one because it has the look of a diary. However, I want to link to emails and I don't know if I can do that from a blog.

I have also established that I need to send out a couple of resumes or applications every two days. Hence, on the first Wednesday I don't and the rest of the week I do and the next week it is MWF.

On Tuesday this week I sent out a couple of resumes and I did so again today. Two parking companies, I bike rental company and an electric tour company.

This is series chronicles my life at regular intervals. This Memo series is meant to be a retrospective of what I have written and experienced. In each of these posts I use my notes in conjunction with memory, mementos and souvenirs to create a snap shot of my life.

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