Monday, April 15, 2013

Barlow’s Equation in Gas View

Early that morning I wrote that Nicole and I drove to BART the day before I wrote this.  We had been playing words with friends.  We went to a cafĂ© and met Nicole’s sister Claire.  I read the paper.  I thought that she was nice.  We walked around the Mission for Sunday Streets.  We looked at bikes and fashion.  We looked at typewriters.  We visited Deeps house and looked at Public’s bike shop.  We ate at Little Chihuahua and ended up at the South American Bar.  Nicole and I played Words with friends after that at her place for a while and later had dinner in Bayhill.

Next morning I got up at 4 and rode to BART.  I took a long nap and ate what Nicole had given me.  I stopped at Starbucks near Pleasant Hill BART.  At work I checked email.  David had sent me some work to do over the weekend.

I started looking at the queries at around eight.  I wrote a lot of information about stuff that was very specific to Barlow’s equation in Gas View.  I believe that I was writing a lot down as people were standing nearby talking.  By nine I am looking for stuf to eliminate from the query I am building.  I also had to reread a bunch of emails that David sent because I hadn’t fully understood them.  This redirected my efforts in query development and also caused me to asked David for more direction.

By 11 I was building up a list of stuff that shouldn’t be included in my query.  I eventually had a tabulation of lengths to show David.  I think that I was using Gas View to do much of it.  There were many references to Access in my notes but clearly these items had yet to be created.  By the end of the day I had settled into using Excel to do my query instead of Gasview because it was easier.

This is series chronicles my life at regular intervals. This Memo series is meant to be a retrospective of what I have written and experienced. In each of these posts I use my notes in conjunction with memory, mementos and souvenirs to create a snap shot of my life.